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CLOSING AT 5PM 2/15. WINTER HOURS: TUES - SAT 12 - 6. Masks required for in-store shopping. Order online for US shipping or free Greenfield delivery.
CLOSING 5PM 2/15. WINTER HOURS: TUES - SAT 12 - 6. Masks required for in-store shopping.


  • Holiday happenings and winter schedule
    November 27, 2024

    Holiday happenings and winter schedule

    Join us for holiday festivities, including Plaid Friday, 11/29, Small Business Saturday, 11/30, and a visit from the DRINCH 12/7 (noonish). Now open Fridays 12 - 7 and Sundays 12 - 4 through year-end. 12/24 open 10 - 2. We'll...

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  • store logo buttons
    February 28, 2023

    What's new?

    We hope you like the new website! Read more to find out what's new and to get a preview of exciting things to come.
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  • outside the store
    February 27, 2023

    Can't find it? We can help!

    If you have done a site search and not found a result, don't give up. We have thousands of used books that aren't listed on our website, and we can order most new books.
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  • Store logo black and white Federal Street Books
    February 27, 2023


    We're known for our extensive used science fiction and fantasy selection, and we also have thousands of fiction, history, and memoir works in addition to large mystery, nature, poetry, philosophy, science, and kids' sections.
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  • Happy New Year! And a store renovation update
    December 31, 2021

    Happy New Year! And a store renovation update

    Happy New Year! Many thanks to our friends and customers for your support this year. 2021 continued to have its challenges for all of us, but we were pleased to have a strong fall and holiday sales period.  Now, in...

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  • Banned Books Week 2021
    September 17, 2021

    Banned Books Week 2021

    Banned Books Week is September 26 - October 2, 2021. We are proud to carry a number of banned books in-store, and only some are listed online -- you can find our collection here. Also, head over to the American...

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  • Masks required again.
    August 10, 2021

    Masks required again.

    Sorry, but due to Franklin County's latest transmission numbers, we are following the CDC's recommendation to require masks indoors at our store for all customers, vaccinated or not. If you forget your mask, we still have some available for free....

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  • Summer Vacation!
    July 7, 2021

    Summer Vacation!

    We'll be closed for a short break beginning Sunday, July 18, reopening with our regular hours on Wednesday, July 28.  Also note that we have expanded our Saturday hours: 10 - 1pm and 4 - 7pm. If you aren't vaccinated,...

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  • A note on our mask policy
    May 21, 2021

    A note on our mask policy

    Dear customers and friends, Following last week's CDC announcement, the state of Massachusetts has determined that beginning 5/29 fully vaccinated people no longer need to wear face coverings inside or outdoors. Under both state and federal guidelines, individual businesses can...

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