Happy New Year! And a store renovation update
Happy New Year! Many thanks to our friends and customers for your support this year. 2021 continued to have its challenges for all of us, but we were pleased to have a strong fall and holiday sales period.
Now, in the dead of winter, we're planning to close for a brief period, January 9 - February 8 (shorter than last year) to complete some long-desired work on our building's facade, install signage, and finish what will hopefully be the last major rearranging of our sections and inventory on our main floor.
During this time we'll continue to fill online orders (and any special orders via online or email), but we'll need to ship them to you or deliver for free in Greenfield. Thanks for bearing with us, and we're looking forward to a great reopening, a better-looking store, and a great 2022, for all!
-- Hillary and Neil
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