For Now: One Hundred 100-Word Stories
Format: Paperback
Condition: New
Author: John Sheirer
Another fine book from Meat For Tea Press.
"John Sheirer’s Stumbling Through Adulthood: Linked Stories showed his immense skill for traditional-length short stories. For Now: One Hundred 100-Word Stories shows equal facility with the microfiction form. These stories range from gentle humor so light it might float off the page in a soft breeze to dense, powerful tales that threaten to sink through the book’s cover and bore directly into the earth’s molten core. “Here, in these finely wrought tales, is a universal current of humanity that connects us all.” – Robert Scotellaro, author of Ways to Read the World.
“Unsettling in their precise focus, Sheirer’s brief and crystalline works sharpen the reader’s awareness of the irrevocable. – Gina Barreca, author of They Used to Call Me Snow White, but I Drifted.
“With so many big stories in such compact spaces, John Sheirer will titillate and delight you.” – Joshua Michael Stewart, author of Love Something and Break Every String